lunes, 8 de diciembre de 2014

Guide to Katanadows and Katanadow noobs

So, the Katanadow, if there was anything that I could loathe more, it would be the LMG Wraith, which is the favorite class for pussies. The Katanadow is like the normal Shadow, but with a foam sword and a fetish to stick long things in his ass, like my cat. The Katanadow WAS once for pros and real players, I used it often because it actually imposed a challenge, unlike the pussy players on the game now that use the most OP classes in the game since they cant shoot without having aim assist aimbotting their dirty arse. Even though this game has no aim assist.

But back to the Katana, unlike the Berserker that runs fapping his shotgun or checking his shotgun like how medics had to check my aunt's pulse, (according to main_gi, the COWARD technique) or that filthy ass spandex clad thin asshole Wraith that also likes shitty plastic rip-off nerf guns, the Katanadow swings a foam sword, which in the case of the Pumpkin Katana, is intsead a big faggy plastic sword. There are multiple ways to play Katanadow, as detailed here.


Traditional Katanadow

If you are a noob and you cant wait to get a certificate on how much of a retard you are, play with the normal Katana as a primary. You dont need any skill to use this aside from the titanic task of pressing M1, you lazy fuck.

Sidearm Katanadow

Unlike normal Katanadows, if you use a sidearm, you are basically becoming 100000% more skilled than what a Traditional Katanadow would be right now. The strategy in this class involves stealth. You must travel through low-traffic areas with your pistol as your main gun and try to aim for the head. You must try to avoid any direct confrontation and chokepoints. Use the Katana for enmergencies and for killing Tanks, and if you have time, unaware Wraiths.


A strange type of Katanadow, the Knifeadow doesnt use his Katana but a normal primary like a Soob Mechain Gahn or a Mechain Peestaal. Intsead of using Katana, you use your knife, like the Sidearm Katanadow but with a normal primary as your main gun.



NEVER, NEVER, use the Terminator. Unless you are using the Knifeadow, NEVER use the Terminator. The Katana already take care of the CQC problems in the Primary section. So dont use this gun, intsead, use a Hydra, which is VERY effective against all classes (except those damned Tanks), or a silenced pistol, like a Machete ( high headshot damage)


Aside from obviously, a Katana, Knifeadows might find a difficult time finding primaries for their use. Search for high mobility machine pistols which can also be effective enough. And if you have it, the Whisper. The Whisper is useful for any situation you want, and is very reliable when it comes into killing.

sábado, 6 de diciembre de 2014

Grenade Launchers

As you know, the Grenadier has a special weapon, the Grenade Laucher. This gun has underwent many changes and revisions, but now at 4.0, it changed from a highly lethal grenade spammer to a highly lethal OHK slow RoF Grenade Launcher.

Now, this gun was pretty easy to use before, start shooting grenades until you cover an entire area, then reload, rinse and repeat.

But then, the gun was nerfed, and it had no longer its marvellous rate of fire. Then, it was buffed again, then nerfed to its current incarnation, a one shotter arcing, bouncing, big piece of metal.

How to use:
Since the Grenade Launcher doesnt spam anymore, it is intsead an instakill on nearly everything but the most resistent Tanks. The user must compensate for the arcing of the Grenade Launcher and shoot upwards, it also has a slow projectile speed, so the player has to "predict" where the oponent will be if it is moving. There are two GL's, the Destructor and One Shot, the Destructor has a smaller magazine size and no sight while the One Shot has more grenades and a sight, but since the sight has no reticle except from two dim, barely visible lines, the only thing worth it on the One Shot is the upgraded capacity.

One of the best maps to use GL's is Nox Museum, due to the tight hallways, the oponent cannot strafe to avoid the grenades, and since enemies come in packs here, they can all be easily dispatched with 1 or 2 easy shots of the Grenade Launcher.

The Grenade Launcher, remember, is useful for checking obvious sniper spots, killing groups of players, and clearing areas. You mustnt use it in CQC unless you are VERY good with it, and even then, it is best to switch to your pistol for this purpose.

Grenadier Tips



MP's: These are very reliable, they have a fast firerate, nice accuracy and good power. The best MP's in the game, in my opinion, are the Cyclones, which have good damage and RoF. The downside to these are the magazine size.

SMG's: Generally, these are a bad choice and I never use them, they dont have the firepower of the MP's nor the instakill of the GL's. But if you are accurate enough, I would use the Buzzsaw, which beats nearly every SMG that isnt Legendary.

GL's: Now, I dont generally use them, but when I do, I am very good with these. The GL's have been nerfed but that doesnt stop them from being amazing weapons. A direct hit will likely be an instakill at any class, but the GL's have slow RoF, arc, and cant instakill after bouncing once since it must be direct impact for an instant kill. Destructor has 4 grenades and no scope compared to the One Shot, that has 6 grenades and a scope, but no one uses the crappy scope anyways. Get a One Shot.


Recommended build:
Middle tree: Double Toss, More Bang, Ammo Pack and HE Grenades
Right tree: Evasion, Steady Arms, Last Laugh, Scavenger and Kamikaze

How to use: 

Grenades: Use them sparingly since they were nerfed from 5 to 3 grenades, try not to spam and predict enemies' movements, try to have them be as much time airborne as possible, since enemies wont notice them if they are flying over them.

GL: Always try to shoot accurate shots and instakill. Since they are slow firing and slow moving, you must predict where the oponent will be at the end of the launch. Try to compensate the arc.

MP's and SMG's: Aim for the head.

Kamikaze: Now, this one is hard, you cant run with Kamikaze but you can jump, so try to jump to get closer to the target, and be aware of where the target is.


Wonderdome: Try to throw grenades far. Since the map has a lot of space, you can have grenades be airborne for longer.

Sunnsquare: Try to aim for the head and go through tight areas. Kamikaze can easily kill packs of enemies.

Nox: Use the Grenade Launcher to shoot through hallways.

Blackfield: Try to lob grenades at sniping spots.

Hollow: Try to throw grenades at doorways and predict where enemies might be.

Corpoarate Park: Use extensive cover and try to go through the sides, lob grenades to the center of the map.

Citadel: No particular strategy.

The Slim Horsemen

HeadlessHorsemann: The Headless Horseman
Lalo174174: War

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