jueves, 28 de enero de 2021

LMG Wraiths.

Now, what if I told you that some thin asshole with a cheap ass fucking spandex suit came out of nowhere and shot a hail of bullets at you that deal 10000 damage? you would be fucking angry, of course. And what if I told you some idiot labeled that asshole a class "waiting for the perfect shot"? (and named it Wraith, too, like what you will be after playing against one of these fuckers)

Well, holy fuck, the game went wrong somewhere when fucking spraying rockets meant waiting for a perfect shot, why give a goddamn "Perfect shot" class a Lait Meshine Gahn? because fuck you, thats why! (I wonder who did the QA on this one, along with the testing on the Brute, I bet twenty bucks it was Bethesda)

Now, I would maybe forgive it a bit more if it didnt have the capability to use a fucking damage reduction skill with 100 armor. Thats like beating the ENTIRE POINT OF THE FUCKING CLASS! ITS ALSO LABELED A GLASS CANNON, AND THEN IS MADE SUPER-FUCKING-INVULNERABLE! . When Glass Cannon means "Insta killing along with invincibility", we know the devs got fucking hammered in the update before they even started.

*Ahem*, after finally letting me express my rage at this pile of big, stinky, putrid crap of an atrocious balancing, let me explain you a bit clear about what is going on.
1) Vanity Skins are removed from their Vanity status just to feed the P2W machine in the game. So the Wraith now has 100 armor
2) Wraith has eleven RoF skills and a damage one.

This post was made years ago when I was 13 and was never released. Here it is as the initial draft.